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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpvnlxxp8jko ....that should please the trumpster! ...
Had a bad fall a week ago - ambulance to hospital did all normal checks legs moving ok after 5 hours in A&Ewas able to walk out with 2 sticks. No Xray or scans. Was already on dihydrocodeine for a... ...
Long story short, my sister ended up taking me to A&E on Tuesday as i was in a lot of pain in my right rib cage and finding it hard to breathe. Had bloods and CT scan and then saw a really... ...
Q: What planet is known as Earth's twin due to its similar mass and density? A: Jupiter! 🤣  
i cannot fathom out why, the companies have been paying themselves millions+ and dupming raw sewage regularly, is it like a thumb in the dyke? legal... ...
Is there a bug going round?  Throat feels a bit swollen, possibly from all the coughing although not sore.  Don't feel ill apart from the pesky coughing, waking me up at night ..  
hi, i have received my first hearing aid today, and am finding it all a bit overwhelming.  how long will it take me to get used to it? i am also slightly annoyed my phone which i only got this... ...
Might be a longshot but I remember when I was younger, on MTV or the likes there was a song / music video I really liked.  
Can't recall much but the band was in an open warehouse or garage... ...
https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1990800/keir-starmer-future-leadership-labour-popularity?int_source=nba   ...
When did TV become the main medium for begging? Almost every advert break contains an "appeal" for some or other charity. I'm sure it must be an effort with diminishing returns. I certainly won't... ...
Ok I was pretty poor at Mozz's quiz, mainly because I'm a bit old school when it comes to Star Wars. I generally think the original 3 are "proper" star wars. Anyway, I thought I'd set my own quiz... ...
I am looking for advice for a friend of mine.  Her husband just died recently, and her son, who she does not usually see much of, has stepped up to help her through all the paperwork, funeral... ...
I use Outlook for 2 email accounts.  One is my personal hotmail address and the other is for a support group that I run. However today the support group email seems to have dropped off Outlook and... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cnv35lp14z9t   One brave lady.   ...
Time for my one and only regular thread and once again remembering those who are no longer with us.  Among many more my dear friend Chakka35, that real smarty-pants Vestuste_Ennemi, dear old AOG,... ...
Pakistani scum to be kept at the taxpayer's expense. How could this have taken place?  https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/why-was-saras-sadistic-murderous-father-not-stopped-we-all-know-why/ ...
Since losing another tooth my dentures have become very loose, has anyone tried any sort of glue to keep them from falling down.  I would need to remove them,
A bit late with this but I thought the voting was a complete sham and that the winner is selected by the producers months before. How did Joe Root manage to get that trophy in New Zealand just... ...
https://youtu.be/eevV8cuxpJY?si=hWzVKfENtEQVjLdg<br />  some of the largest mass graves this century have been exposed in syria in this truly harrowing report from channel 4... the atrocities described... ...
I'm puzzled by this.  Whilst I support all efforts to stamp out benefit fraud I cannot see the point of the DWP snooping on the bank accounts of PIP claimants - it's not means tested. They can also... ...

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