Fair enough, nannon. But sometimes puncuation can dramatically alter the slant of a posting.
1. You haven't been getting on for a while,
2. He pushed you beyond your limits (and he would be aware which buttons to press to engineer this)
3. He is now twisting the situation round to where HE isn't in the wrong for goading, YOU are in the wrong for reacting.
4. He has texted you to say that it is over.
He is a manipulative bully who will only bring you pain and grief. He now has absolute control over you. You are in pain and distress and he will find ways to put you back there time and time again if you persist in this relationship, at this point.
Take him at his word. Walk away NOW.
If, and it's a pretty big IF, he does actually want to be in a relationship with you, let him do the work; the hard work, to win you back.