Crosswords1 min ago
ev 770
52 Answers
previously had help with this one, but the answer disappeared. Can anyone confirm where the perimeter entry should begin, and also that 19a is LINOTILE and 16d is SILENT? thanks as ever
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I see you had early tuition, Quizmonkey. It must have been great to have someone show you the ropes in person. Plus, being a linguist obviously helps. Obviously, my maths-and-physics background means that in my professional life I don't get chance to extend my vocab, that's part of why I've loved the new past time of cryptics. It's a standing joke that most scientists can't string a coherent sentence together, but I strive to be multi-faceted. I do not own a copy of Chambers, and I have never asked anyone to reveal all the complexities of a cryptic masterpiece on the day of publication, although my requests for tips have sometimes led to more detail than I'd anticipated. Have been through the recycle bin and dug out old EV, and managed to complete 764 on my own (no, I didn't look at the answers!).As I've said before, I know nobody in my day to day life that does EV, so thank you to everyone who keeps encouraging people like myself and Christiana - although I suspect that C is further along the curve than I am. Hope mine's exponential :)
Have no objections whatsoever to helping you with EV. It's a very steep learning curve but it won't be too long before you're helping others with it. My father helped me to get started with cryptic crosswords 45 years ago ( bus-pass and motorised Zimmer frame for transport these days ) and I'm still learning, especially from other ABers.
Look forward to reading on here that you, Crofter and others you have started EV comparatively recently have won the prize for it ---- with or without help!! To finish on a philopsophical note: the older I get the more convinced I am that we're put on earth to help each other when we can.
P.S. My background is languages ( degree in German, hence Novalis ) but I try to take an interest in everything.
Look forward to reading on here that you, Crofter and others you have started EV comparatively recently have won the prize for it ---- with or without help!! To finish on a philopsophical note: the older I get the more convinced I am that we're put on earth to help each other when we can.
P.S. My background is languages ( degree in German, hence Novalis ) but I try to take an interest in everything.
Physics Girl - A bit of practical advice.....if you're going to have a go at the really serious crosswords, the latest (10th)edition of Chambers is absolutely essential.
Novalis. I remember reading - some 10 years ago - a novel about the early life of Novalis - The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald. I really enjoyed it, and you might too if he's a bit of a hero of yours.
Novalis. I remember reading - some 10 years ago - a novel about the early life of Novalis - The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald. I really enjoyed it, and you might too if he's a bit of a hero of yours.
Physicsgirl, I seem to have come late to this discussion and I think most of it has been said already but I'll just add my own experience.
I started cryptic crosswords as a teenager as my father did the Daily Telegraph one every day. Throughout my working life I continued to do cryptic crosswords on a daily basis (usually the Telegraph). I also took a look from time to time at the EV but it was obviously going to take more time than I had available whilst still working. I am now retired and have more time to devote to hobbies but still hadn't made any serious attempt to tackle the EV until crofter took it up and started to encourage others to do likewise. Without this mutual encouragement and support from AB, Christiana, myself and yourself (Physicsgirl) would probably not have persevered to eventually complete an EV unaided. Two weeks ago I was about to give up until help with two clues got me over the crux and I went on to completee it. Last week I completed it totally unaided and sent it off. This week I found it much harder and after spending two hours on it I have given up. I will be attempting it for a good few more weeks yet before I decide whether to continue.
I am sure Physicsgirl that after a few weeks, you will either have mastered this challenge sufficiently to only require occasional help (which shouldn't bother anyone) or have come to realise it is beyond you and therefore no longer have the need to ask. Hopefully, with a bit more support and encouragement from ABers, we can get you into the former group. Keep at it and keep trying.
PS My background is also science but doing crosswords has definitely broadened my vocabulary. I have also done computing and programming which helps with the problem solving, lateral thoughts and logical deductions needed in many crosswords.
Keep trying girl.
I started cryptic crosswords as a teenager as my father did the Daily Telegraph one every day. Throughout my working life I continued to do cryptic crosswords on a daily basis (usually the Telegraph). I also took a look from time to time at the EV but it was obviously going to take more time than I had available whilst still working. I am now retired and have more time to devote to hobbies but still hadn't made any serious attempt to tackle the EV until crofter took it up and started to encourage others to do likewise. Without this mutual encouragement and support from AB, Christiana, myself and yourself (Physicsgirl) would probably not have persevered to eventually complete an EV unaided. Two weeks ago I was about to give up until help with two clues got me over the crux and I went on to completee it. Last week I completed it totally unaided and sent it off. This week I found it much harder and after spending two hours on it I have given up. I will be attempting it for a good few more weeks yet before I decide whether to continue.
I am sure Physicsgirl that after a few weeks, you will either have mastered this challenge sufficiently to only require occasional help (which shouldn't bother anyone) or have come to realise it is beyond you and therefore no longer have the need to ask. Hopefully, with a bit more support and encouragement from ABers, we can get you into the former group. Keep at it and keep trying.
PS My background is also science but doing crosswords has definitely broadened my vocabulary. I have also done computing and programming which helps with the problem solving, lateral thoughts and logical deductions needed in many crosswords.
Keep trying girl.
After all the various postings a simple question --- How are you getting on with the crossword? Well, I hope.
Kettledrum -- Thanks! I'll try to track down that book. Novalis was one of the early figures in the German Romantic movement and tends to be neglected.
I defy anybody to read his "Hymnen an die Nacht" ( Hymns to the Night ) and not be moved.
Kettledrum -- Thanks! I'll try to track down that book. Novalis was one of the early figures in the German Romantic movement and tends to be neglected.
I defy anybody to read his "Hymnen an die Nacht" ( Hymns to the Night ) and not be moved.
To gen2
I've been tackling -- with various degrees of success - the EV for just short of nine years. As I've said in a ,previous posting, it is addictive and well worth persevering with. I have the impression that you're just like a dog with a bone ( and please don't take that amiss ) when it comes to crossword solving. Just regard EV as a large tasty bone which you might not always finish.
I've been tackling -- with various degrees of success - the EV for just short of nine years. As I've said in a ,previous posting, it is addictive and well worth persevering with. I have the impression that you're just like a dog with a bone ( and please don't take that amiss ) when it comes to crossword solving. Just regard EV as a large tasty bone which you might not always finish.
The crossword is not quite finished, as I had other things to do Tues+Weds. Will look again at it later today and maybe get finished. Dog with a bone is a very apt description of my mentality when it comes to these things, but I must confess that Quizmonkey's comments have put me off this week's puzzle a little. Didn't realise that one posting would lead to quite such a discussion!
Novalis - will you correct my German in my earlier posting? It was meant to say that life is full of small paradoxes. Thanks all.
Novalis - will you correct my German in my earlier posting? It was meant to say that life is full of small paradoxes. Thanks all.
Apologies for oversight:-
Das Leben steht voller kleiner Widerspruche. ( Should be an Umlaut on u of Widerspruche ). Mine certainly does --- and large ones as well.
Don't let anyone deter you from attempting EV. AS you can see from this thread the vast majority are supportive and will continue to be.
Das Leben steht voller kleiner Widerspruche. ( Should be an Umlaut on u of Widerspruche ). Mine certainly does --- and large ones as well.
Don't let anyone deter you from attempting EV. AS you can see from this thread the vast majority are supportive and will continue to be.