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french films

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arwenant | 22:09 Mon 06th Aug 2007 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers
just wondering if anyone can recommend any french films or any films set in france, NOT any of the obvious ones like amelie, a very engagement, piano teacher etc...
thanks a lot!


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The Chorus is fantastic. Among great old ones are La Balance, L'ete Meurtrier, Dimanche A La Campagne and Tango. Let me know what you think if you see them.
Have you seen Jules et Jim. To me its a bit obvious but bloody brilliant anyway.
'Jean de Florette' and 'Manon Des Sources', 'Ridicule', 'Les Valseuses', 'Cible �mouvante' (aka Wild Target - starring the tragically murdered Marie Trintignant), 'Diva', 'Bande � part' and 'La Reine Margot' are all excellent.

Tilda Swinton and Jeremy Northam chase war criminal Michael Caine through southern France in 'The Statement'(2003). Just picked the DVD up for �1 at Poundland.
Les Enfants du Paradis, one of the great romantic movies. Made during the German occupation; they constantly had to hide the sets and the actors would dissolve into nearby crowds so the Nazis didn't know what wa going on.
Three Colours Trilogy

The Battle of Algiers - still very topical today


Les Diaboliques

The 400 Blows

Beauty and the Beast - 1940s version

The Red Balloon (short film)

La Haine - modern black and white film about misguided youth

Before Sunset - (US film set in France) - really original and naturalistic.
My fav is 'Leon'

Stars Jean Reno!

I would go with many of the suggestions already posted but particularly Les Valseuses (an early hit for Gerard Depardieu) which is a gangster film with a touch of humour. Also La Balance if you like a really gritty cop film.

For romance you can't beat the work of Eric Rohmer.

For older films, I enjoyed practically all the films Jean Gabin was in (he was very much in the 'world-weary' mould like Bogart and Mitchum).
A comedy film called Le Cop ( I think ) has just come to me - from when BBC2 used to show French films late on a Saturday night. I must go to Amazon to see if they've got it !
anything by jacques tati.

jour de fete
Monsieur Hulot's Holiday (Vacances de Monsieur Hulot)
Mon oncle

'Les Visiteurs' is the only French film I enjoyed.
For serious stuff I would recommend Betty Blue, it is a little depressing, but quite moving. I also enjoyed The Page Turner.

Les Visiteurs for a bit of slapstick.
How did I forget the Three Colours Trilogy?

Also 'La R�gle du jeu'(1939) and 'Hidden'(2005).
"Delicatessan" - great film!


"The City of Lost Children" - visually so imaginative and a good fantasy movie
I'm with Aschenbach - The Red Balloon.
Gerard Depardieu was brilliant in Cyrano de Bergerac. One of my all time favourite films.
The Day of the Jackal

The 60's version with Edward Fox
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thanks a lot everyone!
Le placard
but anything with Danny Auteuil in - he is the business !

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