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Dental filling!

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Scarlett | 17:15 Fri 17th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
does anyone know how much a filling costs on NHS and also privately?


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Private - around �120 plus check up and xrays etc, but the private dentists can charge what they like.

NHS - �43.60 inclusive.

jeeeze that much I need about six, going to spain soon think I will suddenly develop agonising tooth aches over there and will get them done there on my insurance.
If you need six you should still only pay �43.60 through the NHS - that is for ALL course of treatment needed except bridges, plates and so on.

Privately would be a lot lot more.
Cheers ethel I thought it was for just one filling If you are still there and know that I should put this in tec but can you tell me how I can stop hutchkey trying to upload itself on my mobile. I know you have to have it for games and have got it on there but it just keeps on trying to upload itself again and again almost every day on my mobile it happened about 6-7 times today.PS sorry scarlett
I know nothing of hutchkey or mobile phone games, sorry.
A single small filling at my local NHS dentist is �4.65. You used to pay the checkup charge on top of that which was about �8.00 I think, but the check up is now free.
A filling at our dentist costs between �14 and �18, someone I know paid �95 to have his done private
I had a little one done yesterday for �15 on the NHS. Fell out today.
nice one jno hope you took it back under warranty
and sorry ethel was getting you mixed up with ethel that is the tec wizard on the tec side but spelt a different effel to your name sowry oh gad have now managed to confuse myself again

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