At the same time, I think some employers take the pi$$ out of their staff. In these sorts of circumstances I think the employee is justified to drag out their sickness if they can.
I've never done it unfortunately.
I had a situation once where the stress of a job got to me so much that I went home one day and didn't go back. My friend recommended I go to the doctor and get signed off with stress for a couple of weeks, at least to buy me time while I found another job. But I couldn't bring myself to live that lie. I just walked out never to return and started from scratch. That's my way of deaing with things!
Well I am off to lunch... I have wasted time on AB and my boss isn't in so I will go and flirt with the lads when they return from football... but for now... I shall wander the shops only to return to more 'Dic Spot drivel' no doubt. Ahhh... the work of a receptionist is never done.....
Are you really surprised? Just take a look around you Doc, its going on everywhere. Blame the goverment for there ignorance and turning a blind eye to it all. Thing is you have to let it go over your head. I am sure everyone knows of someone cheating the system!! After all, if you are out of work everything lands on your lap for free and if you work you get penalised for it, by having to fund the lazy gits.
Why were you off for two weeks wi tonsillitis? Even if yir regular job involved talking to the public or colleagues, could you not have done written work, filing or carrying things about?