limewire in The AnswerBank: Technology
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mkjuk | 20:35 Sat 12th Aug 2006 | Technology
6 Answers
since i installed the latest version of pro 4.12.5? i often just get an all grey screen which i cannot use when i try to go back the the limewire window after minimising

why is this and what can i do?
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Delete Lamewire & Krapzaa (if you got it) and download Soulseek instead
Question Author
deleted soulseek coz its rubbish
wouldn't have over 33k mp3's without it
limewire contains a harmful virus that can corrupt your computer use frostwire instead
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http://www.kazaa-platinum.com a service that provides users with unlimited access to movie/music files and other media that can be downloaded, or burned onto CD or DVD. Extremely fast downloads.

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