Lost mobile phone in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Lost mobile phone

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Flavels | 15:24 Sun 26th Aug 2007 | Technology
5 Answers
I have lost my mobile four days ago. I don't believe it has been stolen - I think I may have accidentially dropped it in the street or thrown it in the bin (yes, I know - idiot!) I have got the company (3 network) to put a block on both the sim and the phone from using another sim. No calls had been made since the last one I remember making. The phone is on an 18 month contract, of which I am 4 months into. I did not buy insurance when taking out the contract because it was such a high monthly payment. The retail price of the phone was �205 four months ago. I got it free on a �15 per month tariff. What do people think I am liable for? The full �205 to be paid back to 3? How will this affect the contract etc?
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ring 3 .... they will send out a new sim ....
the phone - you will have to find one for yourself ....
As has been said, you will get a new sim but will have to buy yourself a new phone. You won't have to pay 3 for the phone but will have to keep paying the contract for the remaining 14 months.

I am almost in the same situation - I took out an 18mth contract (rather than my usual 12) just so I could get the phone I wanted for free. Six months into the contract, I broke the phone (completely my own fault) and hadn't taken out insurance. I have to pay my bill as normal each month but have had to buy a replacement phone from Ebay until my contract runs out in December, when I can get another free one.

Come December, I will be taking out insurance as well!!
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Thanks guys - this is actually better news than what I expected. I thought I would be liable to pay back the cost fo the phone �205 plus keep up the regular �15 per month payments for the remainder of the contract. I have actually still got my old phone which was bought from Woolworths without a sim. I have used an O2 sim that I was given in it. Presumably the 3 sim would work in it - or are they designed only to work on phone supplied by 3?? Thanks
3 are by far the worst company to deal with. Good luck with their Indian call centre , they are rubbish.
i can only suggest trying your 3 sim in the phone, if it says insert sim card, the phone dosnt recognise the 3 sim.
you can get it unlocked to accept other sim's, but this is not always successful, and should cost no more than 10 squids.

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