As a Baggies fan in Wolverhampton it would be foolish to reveal my exact whereabouts Kola.
The Bushy Bowl Diner is where Ladies who dine from the "Bushy Bowl" go. :-)
Of course we have had rows before but not anything like this. The problem is my hubby 'Forgets' he is married and because we have young children I just put up with it.
I know some people say divorce him but we have three young children who would be devastated so it's not so easy.
Once more, the literal neilzulu offers advice from his extensive range of experiences.
After his tantrums of yesterday I'm surprised he could bring himself to type the word 'lesbian' !
By all means, sound off here, Clare my love and if any of us give you anything to take back into your marriage for the better then your posting will not have been in vain
Hi claire, You really need to sit down with him and tell him exactly how you feel, you say he won't listen, well make him listen, you got to do this, turn off the tele etc and talk, it is the only way to resolve things, telling all what you expect and want from the marriage, and what you want in the future you owe it to each other to at least be honest, marriage is a wonderful thing, don't give up on it without at least trying to sort things, good luck, Ray
No i'm quite a looker actually and everyone who knows us says to my husband that he doesn't know how lucky he is to have a wife like me. Not being big headed or anything.
eh chin up love. we all get like that at times. LOL @ my hubby, he just avin a go at me for being on here replyin to u when hes sat watching footy. They do tend to take u for granted if ya let them. 10 years is a great achievment, I only been with mine 9 months and married for 3 of those. Trust me, its hard work !!