As this site is mainly used by God fearing Christian people, should we now have a chaplain? The obvious choice, must be the VillageVicar, he has so much compassion and understanding. Could we also have a little prayer, that you must acknowledge, before signing in, as a mark of our faith. I realise that some people, probably the heathens will object to this, but where there is no faith, there is no reason.
can someone please answer this one: if a "vicar" is out "ALL DAY HELPING OTHERS LESS FORTUNATE, VISITING HERE THERE AND EVEYWHERE" then how would the "vicar" have time to write dreary full length posts on a website"
liar, liar my bums on fire springs to mind, dont be foooooooled
BBWCHAT: Thank you for your kind words. As I read your posting, I tried to imagine that lovely gentle drawl of accent from your region as if you said this out loud. How sweet!