what makes youi feel ike youre 17again? what can lift you up and take you back to those heady exciting days of youth ? the days when you nevr even stopped to think about being old or getting old . the excitement and the adventure?
listened to this song and it just made me think. made me smile .
Weirdly, clothes and certain weather! If I wore the sort of clothes I wore in 17 (when I was thin) it instantly takes me back to feeling all free and lush.
Hi legend - I spent last week decorating my mums house. It certainly reminded me that i'm not 17 anymore cos I ache all over! However, after going through every room in the house there were certain items that I saw that I hadn't seen for years and it certainly brought back a lot of memories!! My mum has kept loads of items that belonged to me years ago!
doing something totally fun for me makes me feel young, Im so weighed down with problems and responsibilities all the time so any moment when I can do something for me again makes me feel great