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Worst actor awards

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lankeela | 15:27 Wed 17th Oct 2007 | TV
28 Answers
Instead of the Best Actor awards how about voting for the worst?

Linda Lusardi (so impressive can't even remember her character's name)
Victoria Sugden
Kevin Wicks
Charlie Slater
Nicola with the grotty teeth

Don't have to be from soaps - they just seem to attract them!


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Have to say I thought Sophie was good especially in her double acts with Chesney. All Rosie can do is pull faces.
Ive never had an accident in 30 years of driving!

Well you have to f**kin day!
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Will probably get slaughtered for this but Vera Duckworth has been losing the plot for years - she always says 'you know' before every line because she has forgotten what to say.
Yes, I totally agree about Rosie and her face pulling lol !!
Is that mine, can i have that one - *Grabs beer*
i put a post on the other day about rosie webster she is utterly crap at acting but i do think sophie is quite good
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I wonder if any of them ever read the things we put on here? Enough to make them top themselves I shouldn't wonder. Who needs overpaid underworked tv/media critics?

I'm glad someone else has picked up on Rosie's rubbish acting. Her silly facial expressions really get on my nerves. I can't stand her. I think Sophie's quite good, she makes me laugh.

But I do have to say I think Dev is brilliant. Okay, its not really his acting, its the weird things that he does. Bit like Rosie actually but for some reason I like his silly faces. Strange that!

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