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Why are people not answering my questions ?

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whiffey | 21:26 Wed 31st Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I am very popular - agreed ?

I post stuff with key phrases like 'Following on from Potter Minor's completely absorbing question' and I crawl and call everybody my bestest favest ABer. So why do I get only 9-10 low quality replies ?



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thats casss you left the answer bank agggeeess ago whiff as no body can see you now can they my little dfippsstckyyy cattle proddy.
Please can you come back as I sooo miss prodding you wiv me little cattle stick.
You little stick teaser gun you
It's the mist from the sprouts.
You are just misunderstood , and people fear what they don't understand . Are they worthy of your attention ? probably not .
Question Author
I have just had an extra-special contact from an ABer, daft as ar$eholes, someone who taught me all there is to know, someone who made me laugh so much. It's all very secret, but if you MSN me I will tell you selected best bits.

I am so so happy - shall we all have a {{{group hug}}}

you love your clique's whiff

go and hug your fabby msn buddies...
Lets not and say we did.
popular with ?????????????? exactly

a) you leave on average once a week
b) have a weird fixation with us scottish folk
c) obsessed with Cemetries
d) never seen you crawl yet to any AB

apart from that you are probably a decent guy
just misunderstood
I often question use of the word "guy" when describing whiffey :D
lol so did i for months
i used to think he was female
Maybe whiffey is female!
maybe its because you are a freak of nature?
wellllllllllll who knows on here
in AB land you can be whoever you want to be lol
Question Author
I think AB is predominantly a Scottie site. It's friendly but unintelligible. I get to thinking about Richard Hannay dangling off the Forth Bridge and quite honestly I just think 'silly sod for going so far north'
ooh i bet we (scots) are extremely outnumbered on here
ditto weeal by a long long way

do you think whiffey could dangle off the
Forth Bridge
youre not outnumbered weeal, so long as me and legend and a few others are here
ye claw baw lol
I think I am outnumbered ... I am not scottish..oo er!
lol cazzz
we just seem to all have appeared on whiffey's thread at once

(I wonder why)

there arent enough of us!
whiffey is a neep heed
he can kiss ma baws
Question Author
'whiffey has got a head like a turnip and can lick my bum cheeks' - is that a fair translation ?

Scotties just don't speak properly. Very sensually, oozing sex maybe, but it's not what you would call proper language.

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Why are people not answering my questions ?

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