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Losing things

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Scarlett | 17:01 Sun 04th Nov 2007 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I normally am very well-organised but today I can't find the one folder I desperately need for work. What do you do when you lose something important?! I have been looking all day, but surely there is away to re-trace my steps?


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Have you had a look, where you last saw it?
if im really stuc i start at the front door, and go up and down each room loking intings and under things and behind things - it always works. Sometimes i just stand still and cast a critical eye round in a slow sweep
Unlike you, I have suffered this all my life and now approaching 70 it is getting worse. The only way I get help is by clearing my mind completely by doing something completely different and going out walking to the shop if possible. Coming back in and standing still as bebnobs suggest does help. Unfortunately, I cannot comment on cambus idea as I can never remember where I last saw it.

In this situation, I am always reminded of a letter I read, where Mum ALWAYS cleaned her sons shoes ready for school next day. One morning they were not there even after searching everywhere possible. Thoroughly exhausted after sending him to school in sandals she went to have a cup of tea ---- and there in the fridge were the shoes! I try just to think of the ludicrous and then usually find what I want.
My brother once made a cup of tea and then couldn't find it.

Later on he found a cold cup of tea in the fridge.

(Oh by the way, your folder has slid under one of the front seats in your car)
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Haha thanks Panic Button- but I don't drive or have a car!
After moving I couldn't find the key to the fire box which contained our passports. With the holiday looming I spent several nerve racking days key hunting, hubby on standby with the drill to retrieve them. I still have no idea why I thought my make up bag would be a good place to put it.

Advice already given should work. Have a cuppa, relax and hope inspiration arrives. Good luck. It's really frustrating I know.
Have you tried St Anthony, the patron saint of lost things.... Can work very quickly. Hope you find the folder soon.
Stick a pin in the arm of a chair. Sit & have a brew.
You'll find it.
I often check where I know it is not. That is, I might say to myself, I haven't even been in that room with it, so it can't be there, and sure enough it is...

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