I was looking through the Tesco direct catalogue and they have hoodies (pink) and parkas for dogs.
I also found an old book in the charity shop I 'work' in and it had a picture of two kitties with little suits on.
A clip of them being forced into those little outfits would have been great to watch on Youtube - it would be the last thing that the person would do, before dying a painful and bloody death-by-cat.
My last dog had boots because he used to get iced up pads - he ate the boots rather than wear them!
Hiya Wolf :D
I think that would be a step too far if I put him in a pink one lol
He was very good with me putting it on him. He's a good mutt lol even wears a seatbelt (dog) quite happily ;) when I haven't got the dog mobil and he has to go in the small car.
Death by cat??? oh yes. Know that one well ;)
Bigmamma? just a quick message. You recovered from yesterday? and what dawgy have you got? and any pics?
Megan. Looking forward to seeing Burt even bigger lol :D