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beerbelly | 23:18 Tue 20th Nov 2007 | Food & Drink
53 Answers
I drink Every night of the week , I also have a Very hot curry EVERY night .
Although this is great , I must ask , am i an alcoholic ?
I admit i need my curry each night ,but can go a night without one .
however , can't sleep without a drink .
Think I probably know the answer , but am in denial .
What should I do ?


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beerbelly , get some help as my nephew was the same as you ,and is now alcohol dependent , he has done the rehab , but always falls off the wagon . Such a shame as he has lost his life , his son and his self respect . How about if you take up a hobby or a sport , maybe with a mate , sounds a bit naff but you need some thing to fill up your evenings .Good Luck x
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Thanks theonlyone , It's normally about now (5 or 6 o'clock ) that boredom begins to kick in .
But have got my fruit smoothies ready for tonight , so i will give it a go .
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Sorry shanx , took me two days without a drink to understand your answer .Guess im just F***ed up .
Thanks .
beer belly it takes a heck of a lot of courage to say that you think you've got a problem, and i truly admire you for that. I smoke so know what it's like to try and get over an addiction. I wish you all the best never give up , giving up. Thinking of you.
Hiya beerbelly....been thinking of you.x Hope you feel better soon x
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Thanks Louisa , and Redbel , Had my first night without a drink in months , last night , could not sleep at all , but woke up feeling better than i have for a long time .
Struggled tonight , and gave in , ( no one said it would be easy )
but am still trying , if I drink every other night , that will cut it down by 50% .
Thanks for your support .Gordon .
Just take it one day at a time Gordon xx
hi beerbelly. You OK?
no prob beerbelly take careXX
Hey that's great news beerbelly. Your not perfect and nobody should expect you to be, you did really, really well last night. As i said i smoke and my fiance doesn't i've seen me sometimes go without a ciggy until about 4 or 5 in the afternoon, then have one. And all he does is moan lol, doesn't matter that i've went all i know how important it is to have encouragement.Keep up the good work, i'm routing for you.
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Hi shanx, Petal~flower , am diggin' in there .
As I said , did not have a drink last night , and woke up sweating , but otherwise OK .
Gave in tonight ,but am going to my brothers tomorrow ( for a curry ) so no drink there then .
If i can start by cutting my drinking down to every other night , then that will be a massive start .
X X Gordon.
for god sake dont put the alarm on ,and dont listen to urgo lol xx ( then i will worry}
hi Gordon (much nicer than beerbelly). yeah thats a good start. Once when my drinking was getting out of control, I got a book out by Alan Carr, him who sold the best selling book on how to stop smoking. He also has a book on how to stop drinking. ( I am addicted to self help books) :-) Hasten to add, I never read it all. But try getting it out from the library. Its quite good. But you are doing the right thing, by cutting down. Just try and make sure you don't drink double the next night! xx

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