On 19th December 2012, Ann Widdecombe will explode.
In 1980, the Two Ronnies did a comedy serial story in their series entitled "The Worn That Turned" which was all about England under the grip of a tyrannical regime in which women were in control (Diana Dors was the head of the Secret Police). RB and RC played the part of two men who joined the subversive underground movement and eventually escaped over the border into Wales, where traditional macho values still prevailed.
I will be 38, my son will be 10, and he will start rejecting everything I will have taught him. My husband will turn 50 (argh!).
Hillary Clinton will be president of the US.
We will all have to wear sunscreen all the time.
Someone will discover and find a way to market the psychonet, a sort of internet that people can plug directly into their brains and download information into them.
what is soppose to happen which is still happening look around the world see for yourself no one knows whats gonna happen tommorow for that matter so live each day with the rememberance of god
Its the supposed end of the world according to the Mayan calender. its been pretty accurate in predicting previous world disasters. Exactly what will happen is unknown other than it will be catastrophic.
On the winter solstice of December 2012 our galaxy will move into an area of higher frequency / energy (which can already be seen at the edge of the milky way as a bright band moving towards us...check out New Scientist website). Increased energy will affect the way we percept matter & make each of us realise our role as co-creators of the universe allowing us to create our own destiny in a world of peace & love.
in 2011 arnold spwatzaneger will be president of the united states. people will get put in prision for jay walking and people will be scared to walk the streets/ terrorism will be everywhere. and in 2012 u will see god. everyone will go to either hell or heaven and the world will be an empty black dark and gloomy place.
By 2012, cats (probably siamese - the traditional looking ones) will have developed pockets. Not pouches in the marsupial sense, but proper pockets. Then, having somewhere to keep their keys and money, they will commence their domination of the world. This evolutionary development will be goal-oriented and will therefore throw current God/Natural genesis/evolution theories into turmoil. The lack of pockets is all that's been keeping them back. Who knows?