i think that this just proves what a weak nation we are goverened by idiots ,a teacher names a teddy bear mohammed (apparantly the little boy who named him is called mohammed ) and she is put in jail for 2 weeks and there are riots in the streets demanding the death penalty for her ,she has insulted islam etc etc she should have been aware of this ,ie when in Rome do as Rome does ,EXCEPT when these same people come to our country and demand and get 3 bed council houses (paid for by us the tax payer )also dole money to feed their many children (also paid for by us the tax payer) free national health ,although they have not contributed one penny towards it , as enjoy freespeech in this country they are allowed to preach hatred and brain wash their youngsters to hate all white people and claim it is righteous to be a suicide bomber - Abu Hamsah used to spout racial hatred from his mosque , we are told we have to respect the women who chose to wear the veil WHY ? how about these fanatics living by OUR laws for a change ---- I'm sorry for the long rant but this has really got to me