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is it time

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19john89 | 02:18 Fri 07th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
to stop picking on leggy ?

He has a sad life, it is not fair to upset him.

I shall move on, if only he could.


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If the little man asked me nice'ly i might consider leaving him alone, but he is the one who keeps butting in on my posts and insulting me, he thinks that he is so cleaver, but he canot beat me as i am a real man and he is a whimp.
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what posts marvel? I wasnt aware you actually created posts? I thought you were an AB regular moonlighting as a troll...
19john89, from where im sitting, you are the one with nothing better to do than post threads about Legend. I find that slightly sad to be truthful!

You ever thought you are begining to look a tad stalkerish???? definitely is time for you to move on! It is all incriedibly dull for other abers to have to wade through.
Hear (?here) hear !!!

Leave us alone to create our own dullness.
Keeps me entertained actually. Legend gives as good as he gets and I think he enjoys playing the good guy and the villian, hence the admiration and consternation from the two camps and his split personalities, 007 and 758. Anyone else think he wears the bathtub avatar when he's pi55ed?
Meant to say "more when he's pi55ed?"
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