Someone has just knocked on my door and offered to tarmac my drive for �50. Apparently he works for the council and has just completed some works and has some tarmac left over. Should I accept this offer? I told him I would think about it and for him to come back in about an hour.
usually they are Irish tinkers or gypsies and when they have finished they will ask for a lot more than �50 with menaces and escort you to the cash machine like frog march. Dont you watch any of these "watchdog" type
tv programmes ? pls be careful. Its a big con.
Don't get me going on this mum and dad were fleeced of over a grand for cleaning faisias (SP?) and they were terrified... so cross. just say NO!
This is an old scam. Well, maybe scam is not the proper word, but you will find they are inevitably Irish, and that your other neighbours have been approached too - some may even have accepted.
They work like dogs, and the end result looks OK, but within a short while it will usually start cracking and breaking up, with weeds shooting through everywhere, and there isn't a thing you can do except lump it.
Years ago I had a contingent of black stuff boys do my front garden. I was getting out of the car onto mud (much as I am doing at this house currently) and gambled that I would at least get a year or twos use out of it.
He charged me �200 I think (but ripped me off with the white chippings). It was the size of 3 parked cars, was a good job, not great, and eventually sunk slightly where my front wheels always rested. I had it refreshed after 10 years by a guy from the paper prior to selling. I took a chance and I was lucky.
Its always the same old story - we've finished a job down the road and got some materials over. Implication - you are getting a good deal.
FACT - the success of the eventual job depends on the quality of the sub-surface preparation below. The cost of the top-surface tarmac is chickenfeed compared to the labour / plant cost in preparing the ground below.
We'll look out for you on Watchdog.