right to search in The AnswerBank: Law
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right to search

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macghilliebh | 00:22 Mon 17th Dec 2007 | Law
4 Answers
do police have the right to stop and search a car when a tail light was out
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Not purely because of that. It might be a reason that you were stopped, and then further grounds might be found from talking to you that would lead to a search.
At the end of the day mac - they can do whatever they want. There'll always be an excuse...
tell them you do not consent to the search. ask them why they want to search. broken tail light not enough. they need probable cause.
It's actually reasonable suspicion, unless under the terrorism act.... but a broken tail light is not reasonable suspicion for stop/search powers but is a very reasonable reason to stop a vehicle.

Always ask for the grounds, and always say if you're not happy, but remember that force can be used to conduct a legal search. If you don't think it's legal, complain afterwards. If you fight against them and get arrested then regardless of whether or not you agree with it, if the search was justifiable (in law) then you'll end up with chartges of Asaault on Police.

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