Ive just heard an ad on the radio for an aid to help stop smoking. It says you only have a 3% chance of giving up by going alone with no help! That's the way i did it so i guess I'm very lucky and very much in the minority! I gave up 5 years ago now and have never wanted to re start! been there done that and regretted it so no chance of re lighting back up for me ! I know we can never say never as a former nicotine addict but i honestly know i wont be making the same mistake i did a few years ago! Its all about strength of mind i reckon as to whether you re start after the amount of time i have been given up!
If you gave up, how did you do it or have you tried countless times with no long term success?
The first time was so easy..I threw away 15 fags and just stopped. For 6 years all was well..and then my husband left me! I started again and smoked for a further 3 years.
Giving up wasn't so easy this time.
I had to go onto nicotine gum and patches. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but of course it was worth it. I still get cravings every now and then and still buy the gum for when I feel really stressed. My uncle has been chewing it for years!
I stopped for 3 weeks once. The bile I was coughing up was what made me restart coz my mum said it would last 6 months! I also stopped for a week when I punctured my diaphragm, wish I'd stopped for good then as starting up straight after I left hospital probably wasn't the most sensible thing I've done. I love smoking though and I'm only going to stop when I have an important reason to stop such as hitting 30 or getting somebody preggers.
i stopped twice...
both times it was easy to be honest.
i went 6 months and 18 months.
the thing is, i enjoy a smoke.
since my kids were born, i dont smoke in the house.
thats 21 years of smoking outside in all weather !
Hi Jules :)
I don't smoke now but when I was younger I was one of those annoying people who could go out and smoke then not have one for weeks and weeks - I was never addicted and never HAD to have a cigarette. I've not smoked now for a few years but I could easily go out now and spark up then not have another til 2009!
My ex went on a course of Zyban a couple of years ago and successfully gave up except he then started up again last year but that is probably more to do with the sort of person he is than anything else ;o
I personally think they just say that to get you to buy all the expensive patches and gums the doctors encourage you to use these days. I know from experience, I do better from going cold turkey (no xmas pun intended) than using patches which I used but was smoking only 6 months later.
ive smoked for 30 years, never really thought about giving up. i like to smoke especially when having a beer, so im not to keen on the no smoking in pubs thing lol. i know that smoking is ment to be bad for you, but i am very fit and healthy for my age. the day i dont enjoy having a smoke will be the day i give it up.
.steg, there isnt much in this world for us to enjoy that isnt bad for you ! LOL
anything that tastes good is bad, so we are told! thats life and unfortunately it can be all too short so enjoy it whilst you're here i say! If you want to that is of course! :-)
I gave up smoking 4 weeks ago,I started off using patches but haven't had one of them on for a week or so now.I still find myself reaching for a cig at certain times....such as after meals,but it is getting better.
Hey Julie, I was going to add you on myspace last night but I fell into an alcohol induced coma. Sorry, I won't be able to do it till next week but I hope you have a lovely Christmas! xx
It is just the habit now,i'm not craving the nicotine at all. I always used to have a cig with a brew and after meals so now I just find something else to do instead. All my family and friends smoke so it has been hard but now I find the smell of cigarette smoke really annoying.lol. I hope I can stay off the cigs!!! It has been exactly 26 days since my last cigarette :-)