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Drisgirl | 23:04 Sat 22nd Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
H went down the road to get an Indian and a bottle of wine.Said to the woman in Threshers -quiet tonight -she said not next door (chippy) - Billy Connellys there.So H went in had a wee blether with him got an autograph -all really genial.
H came up the road and before he could get the words out his mouth I had the boots on and was high tailing it to the chippy -got my photie taken with him and he was really pleasant -I even said he could use my name in his next sketch for a nuisance.
I know it was cheeky but hey if youre famous you have to take the rough with the smooth -tee-hee


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i thought the bloke who worked down the chipshop was Elvis? Anyway, that'll be a come down career wise from the parky finale
lol ya lucky lassie, put the photo up when you can n give us a laugh tee hee
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Same specs that he had on Parky -if I could photobucket i would -i'll try tho -lol
dris did you cop a feel?
Oh excellent stuff tiddler, what a nice suprise.
china u been on all day doll?
theyll be calling you an ab geek if you aint careful doll.
Nah. Computers been on all day from where I was working on a couple of poems earlier but I've mainly been reading, listening to music and entertaining the odd visitor dropping off a care package since I can't join the festivities this evening.
welll ive seen you around doll.

hope ur ok dafty xx
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As it happens Leg im hinging ower him in the photo -lol.

welll i thot ud at least go for kiss or grope

tut tut
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Didnae want to put him aff his chips and Irn Bru -lol
you really are a soft gimp lol
DRIS!!!! You better show me the photies mate as I LOVE the Big Yin LOL!

Have a great break and catch you in the New Year


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