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bobtheturkey | 22:48 Mon 31st Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
can i be the first to say that i couldn't care less what kind of year you all have thanks

regards bob


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love ya bob, and may you have a good one too x
Well, I hope you have a wonderful year, you lovely lovely man!x
Yes , you can .
Question Author
apart from you katie of course but then that's obvious :)
Oh yes, I think that goes without saying!lol.x
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yes but i feel it must be said becasue you are a diamond amongst the manure katie
jeez, thanks a million bob, you can **** off as well :)
now now, play nicely!
Awwww Bob, are you getting all romantic in your old age?????x
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now bobs you know there is more than one diamond amongst the slurry
Question Author
well katie you know i am a sensitive gentle soul
-- answer removed --
well up yours then too mister : ((((((
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now dorothy dont be going all american on me ( no irony )
and what does that mean? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i have had enough of this decade let alone this year!!!!!!!
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will any of us be caring what kind of year anyone is having beyond jan the 2nd i merely type what the rest are thinking :)
Thanks ever so much for that Bob :(((((

BTW i'm having a nice turkey dinner tomorrow :)))
Question Author
hi louisa
I was going to wish each and every one a very happy new year However I now see that none of you is deserving
I know I am new to your inner santum but dont you think your carping vitriol is going a bit far, or do you still feel you all must stake your claim at every opportunity, or on the other hand can it be put down to gay largesse
Hey c'mon, Happy New Year to us all
Into the field and over the the gate
who knows what we'll find in 2008
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if you are happy to find pleasure in fields then thats up to you colonel

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