Pastafreak, love, I'm SO sorry!! I guess we all knew it was coming, but when it actually happens, it's so sad. I do feel for you, knowing how much I love all my animals (but especially the cats!). You know, it's funny, but when I go away on business, I swear I can still feel a cat on the bed with me (in a hotel room, miles from home...???). They're always with us, in life, in death, in spirit. My little Cleo is curled up on the chair just now, fast asleep, and I've told her about your Cleo. My girl is named after another wee cat I had for 18 years - she's just like her in temperament and also has the loudest purr in the world (as did the old lass!). Maybe one day, you'll have another little cat come into your life and you'll remember Cleo.....
God bless, K xxx