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Song Help!!

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bunnydeluxx | 00:31 Thu 24th Jan 2008 | Music
4 Answers
Right, i remembered a line of a song but cannot for the life of me remember what the song is called, who sings it or what any other lyrics are, i know the song but i just can't seem to reckonise the rest of it, the one lyric i know is;
"let your love shine" its a funky house/dance track - woman singer. Someone please help me, its driving me insane!!


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Try typing the lyrics followed by the word "lyrics" on Google and see what you get although it might not be what you're looking for - Chris de Burgh : )
there was a website that identified the tune by you tapping the space bar maybe that would help, I tried it a few times and it seemed to work.
The Bellamy Brothers had a hit with "Let Your Love Flow" in 1976 and I'm pretty sure one of the lines in it was "Let your Love Shine". You may have heard a version.
Me again- yes, I've just Googled 'Let your Love Flow' and it does contain the line 'Let your Love Shine'.

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