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4GS | 14:25 Mon 04th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Excuse me!!!
That's what happens when you eat:
leftover Crispy fried duck
leftover Chicken + garlic in white wine sauce
leftover Egg fried rice
Chicken fajita

Better put a toilet roll in the fridge incase I need it tomorrow morning


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Bless you, my child.
Jesus William, did you even chew that?!

Greedy guts!
Does your fridge have room for loo roll? I thought it was full of beer and smelly cheese?
Oh my word, talk about speedy entrance!! Well, whatever does it for you, 4...

What's for tea?!

You may need some Windeeze later!
No Tigger. With all that food, it'd be too late!
Well I'm just glad that I'm round at Logic's eating his choccy cake. Rather there than at Mr Windy's!
You greedy pig!!!
I would've eaten both as well John :)
LOL! And funnygirl as well - mwhahaha!!!!
Question Author
I'd alreday decided to scoff the lot China, I just wanted to see if other ABers thought it was a good idea.

I think I'd better lie down now
I think you'd better my dear. And have the rennie to hand!
-- answer removed --
God help your lovely wife if you're thinking of getting jiggy with her tonight john !

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