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Sweeney Todd

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Bewlay Bros | 13:25 Sat 09th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Has anybody seen this?

What a load of weey pants.



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the trailers look sh!te.

I prefer the look of Jumper
I'm going later - is it that bad? Do you normally like Tim Burton films?
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I loved Sleepy Hollow and Edward Scissorhands is simply superb.

Regarding the trailers, 10,000 B.C looks fantastic.

The problem is the songs are not saongs. They are just spoken sentences sang to a tuneless rhyme.

Was not worth the �7.25 enterance fee, in my opinion.
I can't stand musicals so I've got misgivings about it. But if you say it's pretty tuneless then that sounds quite hopeful to me!

I might update this post later with my opinion.

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Well sg, DO NOT expect cheery songs a la Sound of Music or Chitty Chitty Gang Bang. Yes, the subject matter is fairly dark obviously, but it is simply dire.

My advice, steer clear and watch another movie. It really is that bad.

However if you insist, may I recommend you take some steak pies in with you to share during some scenes. It would be funny.
I have to agree wardy, it was absolutely terrible. I'm glad i watched mine on my PC rather than pay to go and see it. I found it really boring. I too like Burton's other stuff but this was pathetic. I was really disappointed.
musical... nuff said.
Sweeney Todd is possibly the only musical I like, I love it and have seen it at the the theatre several times. I usually love Burton films and would havbe thought this the perfect musical for him to turn his attentions to but somehow it just didn't work at all.

Plus they left out the 'Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd... ' narration that runs through it and just used the music as a back ground whihc I thought was criminal but then I really like that number.

I really wanted to enjoy this and I was disapointed. Think I'll stick to seeing this particular musical as the theatre in the future.
forget the musical bit it's not a musical . OK so it has some singing in it ! but that dose not take from the fact that it is a very good movie . my wife watched it through her fingers ( hands over eyes) I loved it the whole film worked for me music and all.

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