Youtube videos arrive at your PC in FLV format. You need to capture the file (which normally hides itself away in your browser's temporary cache) and convert it to a format which PowerPoint recognizes. PowerPoint will theoretically play several different formats but, for the widest compatibility across different computers it's probably best to choose MPG (or possibly WMV). offers loads of suitable software but most of their free offerings require you to use two separate programs. (One to save the FLV file and one to convert it to MPG). However, this program can grab the file from YouTube and convert it to MPG automatically: 4-10699962.html?tag=lst-7
Most people give that software excellent reviews but a few people seem to have found that it doesn't run on their PC. If you experience the same problem, here's a possible alternative: Video-Downloader-Converter/3000-2194_4-1079554 4.html?tag=lst-10
Once you've saved the file in MPG (or WMV) format, you can import it into PowerPoint in the usual way.