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nyc | 23:36 Tue 12th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I haven't visited here in quite a while. Is Legend nominated as 'The Legend' of Answerbank? Why all these post and questions geared towards him? Or is this a trend to mention him in every post?

Thanks in advance for your replies. xx


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All the questions are geared towards him because if they are not, we suffer a tirade of abuse for hours on end.

Good Evening nyc -how are you this evening?

O its just some mad rampage -its not the real Legend.

I have posted in a couple of threads because I was bored.

Off to kip soon -had a few very early morning -have to get the body clock sychronised again x
its a troll rampage nyc!
Legend is the boil on the @rse of AB.

A constant irritation.
Good evening nyc,hope you are well tonight.
cb is my domain i have minions such as john69 , whiffy , munkeylover , leg lives , and a few other gimps at my beck and call.

they only show how important i am.without me there wouldve been nothing to post about tonight.

hi dris and cazz i see apart from me tonight its been the shoe shop junkie and a handful of other threads,it would seem without me thered be no chatterbank

d t h ?
It would be dull dull dull -cos we wouldnt even get the trolls !!

Dont ever leave us Leg -d'ya hear !!!!
minions ha ha ha !!

No, it's because he is a neanderthal bore who floods the site with drivel 23 hours a day. Sunny Tenerife (or Glasgow maybe?) is right on the doorstep, but why bother enjoying God's good earth when you can POST on here.

A few naughty people jab his bum with pointed sticks to see if they can stir him up, but I don't.
whiff, your on here a halluva long time as well, maybe you should smell some daisys and skip through the graveyard once in a while

Would you like to jab his bum Whiff -hmmm???
It's Tenerife whiffey, I got a phone call from him recently and the caller I.D had the Reef dial code
Dris, what are you like. :-) xx off to bed now, speak soon Dris xx
shoe shop junkie!!!!!!!!!!! **** off you daft *******, how up your own arse are you!!!!!!!!!!
Cya later Ray -lol Sweet Dreams xx
John he knows its tenerife dont buy into his crap.Because he knows its the reef from a mutual friend thats why hes such a pompous ****.And they say a woman scorned too.mmm.
You might notice he does it as the other names too.otherwise hed get autobanned for overposting.

Hey i always wanted a pet you dont need to clean up after.
Lucky you 4GS, I get abusive text messages from 2 different reef dial codes. He doesn't know how to distinguish between the internet and reality.

You were really nice on the phone Whiff -totally different from on her -although youre sound with me x

Legend is the same -he is totally different to talk to -he quite obviously seperates the 2 -he has been a great support to me.

Now that was an unbiased viewpoint.
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Legend that's not very nice behaviour towards Dot!!!!
You have to give respect to get respect. I thought you were a gentleman. Tha't not how a gentleman behaves!!

Hello Whiffey, Dot, Cazzz, Dris Hau, Monkey ;-), John, Ray and Legend! Hope at the end of the night you all are friends. xxx
It'll be just like it had never happened -lol
Nyc im just saying what dot said.Anyone can confirm shes posted shes got a drink and class a drug problem , hence the junkie bit.And she works in a shop selling shoes.

Theres no malice in it.Shes a shoe shop junkie.

Hope thats cleared things up ?

: - )

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