Pros and cons either way. I've rented for the past few years and I feel like it's dead money because it's not going to be mine at the end of it. I owned before and then I left him and eventually got divorced (2 years he tried to drag it out; but I guess I'm lucky, because it could have been longer if I hadn't kept on top of it) and then the money we made from selling the house (when they eventually evicted him) paid off all my marital debts. Now I'm free and I have quite a lot in savings, which is profits from the house sale.
In all the years I owned my own home, paying a mortgage was cheaper than paying rent, but I appreciate that just lately it's changed. Also, because rent goes up in line with inflation, then I guess if you bought a house 10 years ago for �45,000 and it's now worth �180,000, but you're still only paying �200 per month for the mortgage, you're OK compared to someone who's been renting all those years and the rent has just gone up and up in line with the value of the house in current times.