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potty training a nearly 3 boy

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billysmum | 16:39 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | Parenting
6 Answers
My son will use the potty during the day while at home but refuses to wear cotton pants so its a nappy on or nothing- he won't even pull his trousers up over his little willy! Any suggestions- i dont want to force him but don't know what to try. Ive asked him to pick his own pants and even tried bribing him but he still refuses. Do you think this a problem


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hi my son is the same age, about 6 months ago he was the same si just put his trousers on him with no pants. after a while i tried again and he accepted them this time
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I'm sure its not uncommon but he's my first and as with every stage its all new. He refuses at the moment to have anything touching him other than his nappy so its either all on or nothing. Im sure a health visitor will just say wait but all his friends are now clean.
I am sure he's fine, but he could be refusing to wear a nappy because it hurts his bits. it might just be him being a typical kid, going against everything you do! remember they like to prove you wrong! dont worry, my boy refused to wear a nappy at 2, when we got down to the bottom of it, it was because they were making him hot! if it makes you happier talk to your GP. have any friends with kids in nappys? if you do, show your son how good they are wearing their nappy and reward them for wearing nappys xxxxx
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No he loves his nappy its just trying to get him to wear cotton pants or his trousers pulled up. But yes i do think its him making a stand he is very set in his ways.
Have you tried all sorts of different pants. My son likes the boxer style ones because his daddy wears them! You can get loose or tight fitting ones. They look like shorts so maybe the 'pants' stigma will be gone!

Good luck, my son wouldn't wear clothes full stop without ranting! He's fine now as he realises we go out nice places when we're not naked! he he x
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Will def give the boxer shorts a go thanks for that.

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