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Beatles White Album

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johnny | 22:14 Mon 18th Feb 2008 | Music
5 Answers
Who owns serial No 00000001 ?


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Paul McCartney has been quoted as saying that Lennon kept No.0000001 for himself?

So I'm assuming Yoko has one.

There are supposedly 2 copies, from the UK & US numbering.
I was on the understanding that Paul had it!
I seem to remember reading somewhere that the first 20 or so were kept by the Beatles themselves for family etc.
No 00000007 is on offer in a couple of weeks by Cameo Auctions if you've got the odd ten grand or so to spare.......just thought I'd let you know !
It's at best, mediocre.

certainly not worth 10k. lol

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Beatles White Album

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