kp nonuts Sun 24/02/08 02:48
'Well lets get something worthwile to remove then shall we you fuking old cow who cant get a bloke cause you are as ugly as sh1t you pathetick old crab'
'you mother fukka debeas whopps sorry cant even be bothered to spell your sh1t name on here right. You fuking ponce'
kp nonuts Sun 24/02/08 01:3
'you sad freak I will happilly punch your fuking lights out anytime...YOU ARE A DEAD well i was going to say man but you are not a man you are a WIMP'
kp nonuts Sun 24/02/08 02:01.
kp nonuts Sun 24/02/08 03:00
'Just lets face it freaks me and legend are here to stay and will fight the balls of you little perves any time any where any day....So I am getting sooooo bored now with you stupid attempts so will wish you all a happy death freaks'.
This is what we have to put up with on here at night!!!!