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The Longest Road

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scarletpimp | 12:13 Thu 05th Sep 2002 | Travel
6 Answers
What is the longest road in the UK which DOESNT HAVE ANY TURNINGS OFF? so, if you get on it you can't be going anywhere else but to the other end of it (does that make sense?!?!?!?)


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Very difficult to answer. There must be lots of roads that just have a beginning and end with no junctions along them (mostly minor rural roads and urban housing roads). The longest stretch of road without a junction will be on one of the motorways. The distance between jns 12 and 13 on the M4 for example is 11 miles but there must be longer ones than this.
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I don't know if it is lhe longest but the road from Oban to Campbelltown is just over 100 miles long, there are a few small towns along the way but when you get to Campbelltown you can only come back the way you went, This road is reputed to be the subject of Paul McCartney's The Long and Winding Road if you have ever driven it youll know why.
Junction 10 (Duxford) to Junction 8 (Stansted) on the M11 is around 12 miles or so - Junction 9 southbound is an entry slip only from the A11. Any more takers?
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Thanks for your answers so far. Thinking of motorways, the bit between J12 and J13 on the M1 is a fairly long stretch (11-12 miles).
the road from Kinlochhourn to near Tomdoun in the Western Highlands is a 22mile long cul-de-sac. This one takes about an hour to drive because the road is so bad. According to, Kennacraig to Campbeltown is 32.5 miles (Kennacraig, not Oban, as there are a couple of turn offs between the two). Other roads may be longer but I do not have an atlas on me right now. I would guess that the one and only road on the island of Jura, or the road round the Knapdale peninsula, might be longer. If you don't count unclassified roads, then there must be some pretty long drives, like Salen to Fionphort on Mull, Lairg to Tongue on the north coast, or Kinlochewe to Corrieshalloch junction in the northwest (which would be 63 miles although there are a few cul-de-sac turn offs to villages, not sure if these are unclassified or not).

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