Saying you have an E partition does not help anyone very much.
An E partition could be on your hard disk, or it could be the letter for your CD/DVD drive.
The simple configuration for a PC is to have one hard disk and one CD drive. The hard disk could have one partition called C and the CD drive could be D.
But in fact you can change the CD drive to be any letter you like so it could be Z. So you could have a hard drive of C and a CD drive of Z.
You can also divide a hard disk up into many partitions and have a C, D, E, F and G on your hard disk, and your CD drive could be H.
Or you might have TWO hard disks and TWO CD drives and so on.
So saying you have an E partition does not really indicate very much unless we know what other partitions you have and what CD or DVD drives you have.
You can normally find out this sort of info by going into "My Computer"