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Oh dear....

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pastafreak | 00:20 Thu 13th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Leggy's thread (see below) has me blubbering away here. It has been one of 'those ' days......and I just got tipped over the edge I guess. Someone cheer me up...Please!!!!!


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Yikes....I just remembered that I was throwing cats the other night....OMG i am soooooo embarrased...and there I was criticising tiggs....pasta hangs head in shame
Lol pasta , hairs , my dog loses at least another small dogs worth of hair every day so you have white ones while my house has black ones , we could knit up a zebra crossing between us .
my little darling has the lazyboy chair to herself so she doesn't get the sofa at bedtime.
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Goodness,mamma...if she is a Lab she can't be that small a 'little darling' !
Hee , no indeed , she's 48 kilos
Pasta sweetie , I had better get to bed now as it's very late for me , I hope to speak to you again tomorrow and please try to have a good sleep tonight eh . Night night to you and China Doll :-) xxxxx
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Nite,nite mamma......and thankyou again......this really helped xxxx
Morning pasta , how are you feeling today ? I hope this new day is brighter for you , hope you managed to sleep :-) xxxxxx
Morning Pasta,
sorry i didnt see your post last night,I hope you are feeling a bit better this morning
Keep your chin up!
Chrissy xx
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Good morning,mamma and chrissy.....yes-I am happy to say I feel better. Isn't it wonderful to be able to reach out to people here and get support when you need it. I bet we could all (all ABers) could have one hell of a party if we ever met up in the real world!!! (I m in positive mode this morning! ) xx PS-how DO you manage to get up so early,mamma???
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Im off to watch bionicwoman on dvd.
just wanted to say hi pasta n chrissy.

Im away for a break .

later xx

pasta you n chrissy jump a jet

cocktailsd on the beach front lol.

Hello there pasta sweetie , glad you seem brighter love , hope you have a better day today . My son started a new job just over a week ago and I get up at 6 when hs alarm goes off so I can make him a substantial packed lunch . He would let me sleep in of-course but I like his company and to help him in his new life.He has just come out of the RAF so is living with me for now . Once I'm awake in the morning I get up and don't mind what time it is . :-) xxxxx
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It sounds like you have a nice relationship with your son,mamma. I see my daughter when she comes home from Uni....and,yes- we get on quite well also.It is a treat to see them develope into adults-esp if they were hellish teens!!

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