I get bad heartburn and indigestion which is being controlled by Ormeprazole. Trouble is, I bought one glass of white wine tonight and couldn't drink it. It felt like I was drinking razor blades. So I left it. Is this the end of me being able to drink alcohol, or is there a less acidic drink I can have? Help!
The advice is usually to avoid alcohol and other acid drinks, including orange etc. Water is good, but boring!
I have been adding small quantities of cordials to it such as Elderflower,Ginger and lemongrass or raspberry/strawberry to create a more grown up squash, and not acid enough to upset. Give it chance to heal.
I take lansoprazole, which sounds as if it's similar, and I've had no problems with drinking wine, orange juice etc. It may be the drugs act different ways on different people. Check with your GP to see if there are other alternatives.
Hi Scarlett, I'm on the same tablets for an inflamed gullet. They do help but I had a glass of white tonight and it tasted wrong. Stick with them though so you don't end up inflamed like me. Bloody awful and sickening! Try a short with tonic or lemonade, just be sure to take the tablet an hour before so they get to work. Pepto bismol is also great relief. Good luck.
My boyfriend has the same problems with cider. Wine beer and cider are all very bad for indegestion. Have you tried gin and tonic (if you like it!!) most alcohol will give you heart burn im afraid. After a night out drink a glass of milk just after or take out those gaviscon capsules that theyve made in handbag size xxx