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hi i'm a bit sad

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mccfluff | 23:58 Fri 28th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
anyone cheer me up? two thirds of my department got made redundant today and its been a bit of a sad day i've just got back in and i feel really low. i miss them already - am i just a saddo?


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awww no youre not a saddo, that is awful and of course you will miss them, did they all just leave today hon? will be strange goin in on Monday eh
Aww mccfluff, your not a saddo at all. That's really upsetting for something like that to happen, can't cheer you up. But I am thinking of you. <<hugs>> - xxxx
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well we knew it was happening but its just today was the day and well i hate monday's anyway but this monday it going to be bad, they were pretty much my surrogate mums and i'll miss them so much
its just change and adjustment.
ive felt the same when co-workers have been moved.
aww dont worry XX always look on the bright side of life , de dum de dum
Kisses mccfluff - I hope you've arranged to keep in touch with some of your friends? Tell you what though, redundancy always causes low morale amongst those who're left, but hopefully these feelings'll pass - x
hey mccfluff, got your FB invite but i cant message just now over-posted yesterday and got banned lol, im a baddy
not as sad as WARDY!!!
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thanx all yes i'll see them again but its just well, i'll miss them, esp whem i'm not being told of for something like not eating properly, i know its daft but hey!
Living can be cruel at times McFluff, but you and your colleagues are still able to live another day of this wonderful thing we call LIFE.

Some aren't so lucky.....
AW, can see that you are upset. Keep in touch with your friends, as they probably miss you in the coming weeks too. Good luck and dont work too hard. 2/3 staff lost but workload still likely to be the same? sorry that wont help you cheer up unless you working that hard your days fly past"!!!
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very true dabees, but i'm being selfish and only thinking about me right now - but thats life i know i'll get over it and worse things could happen
Sorry to hear that is always difficut seeing workmates go-especially if you have formed a close bond with them. Just make sure you keep in touch with them-keep them up to date with all the office gos-lol
It's horrible when it happens.

Once in my job, people got called into the office one by one and you could tell by the way they came out, who was going and who was staying.

Very very depressing!!!
Arrange a night out at the earliest opportunity!
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well their jobs have been transferred to a different office, and has nothing to do with my job we just shared an office, but as things go we laughed/cried/argued and they made me cups of tea endlessley lol :-(
Sorry you feel bad ... are you cross they haven't released you? Time for plan B , did you ever see Mash, do you think you could try to convince them that you are not of sound mind like Cpl Klinger or the Blackadder fellas ...

While I do sypathise I cannot spend too much time consolling you as in one of the other threads someone has dropped a bombshell that the cast of Eastenders maybe pitching up close to my village ... cor blimey love a duck it is time to set up a PM's petition to keep them at chuffing Borehamwood . It is bad enough that every time they film a Bond movie I have to dodge the foreign talent driving head on to me on the wrong side of the pothholed roads round here and the fact that a cinematic theme park task=view&med=flv&cnt=bb&id=0&i=1&z=1

is gonna be built on me doorstep ... no now I have to put up with the likes of Phil Mitchell in the Co=op!!! lol
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sense4all i've tried belivee me, but for some reason they dsill want me, i think its cos i do all the stuff that no-one else/want/knows how to do, but thanx your post put a smile on my face x
Glad to be of service ma'am.

Actually have thought that when project Pinewood is complete I am gonna get everyone who has ever been unkind to me and mine roaring drunk and have a larf when they think that they have been transported in their stupor to New York or Venice. MWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HA HA!!!!!

< Swirls cloak in a magician- like fasion , and disappears in a wiff of smoke>

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