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Kipling Cake?

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Drisgirl | 21:56 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
OK i know I should post this in Food but I know someone will know this here !!

There was a cake I bought years ago -dont think you get it now -tried the old google and that.

It was like a fruit slice but with really crispy sugary bits on top.

I am not sweet toothed but I loved this.

Anyone remember it?


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Mr Kipling country slices?
just one one thing to say....

If anyone knows their cakes, it's our B00! ;-)
Not a big fan of country slices- all that fruit in 'em smacks of healthiness to me meglet ;-)
Question Author
THATS them -why cant you get them anymore they were delish !!!

Thanks peeps !!

Also -and i am not on a sugar buzz cos of this diet -honest guv -but who made the Jaffa slices cos i dont see them anymore as well -mind -you got a big dollop of orange inside the sponge -ooooo whats happening to me -I have nothing sweet in the house apart from cane sugar !!!
I used to get these at my Gran's on a sunday. Other favourites were vienese whirls, french fancies, bakewell tarts and almond slices. Just thinking about it is making my mouth water! Lol
Did the jaffa slices have some buttercream stuff in them too?
Question Author
Yip the Jaffa cake slice thingieys had cream in them.

Viennese whirls -they were the one that melted in your mouth like soft shortbread (for want of a better description -man I am bad at this) -I like them as well.

Dris, you can get them!
We bought them on 3 packs for �2 at Asda the other day!
-- answer removed --
Hey Dris,

Bananas & Cane sugar grilled


Just find something, cover it in sugar and enjoy.

BB xx

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Kipling Cake?

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