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Ice.Maiden | 02:22 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
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arsenic but it's a pain hiding the bodies.
Rohypnol. Bit of a strange effect on men tho....
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Ahhhh......I was talking about an old Alice Cooper song....but if we're talking real can't get much nastier than aconite!
Have you tried putting them under the patio China? Think it was Redhead who said she always stuffs them there!
Hmmm...rohypnol on men......nah....think I'd want them to remember the event!! x
I've taken ghb before and I can remember it all, made me extremely horny though. I'm not sure if it's the same as rohipnol but it is listed as a date rape drug. (and could also be bought from sex shops until fairly recently)
I'm starting to enjoy a nice single malt and I quite like most lagers, stout, ale and Buckfast but I'll drink most things if I have to.
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Lol - *If I have to !!!!!!

Abstinence man! Keep a clear head!
A what? Zzzzzzzz!
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Lay off the booze!!! Lol.
I can't afford any! Blew far too much cash at the weekend!
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Awwww......I do that all the time hun. Shall I send you a bottle of something down the line?

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