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Is it true I might not be eating enough?

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Gymbunny | 12:21 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Health & Fitness
22 Answers
Hi everyone, I am trying to lose half a stone for summer.
I am sticking to around 1250 cals a day but I do loads of exercise- usually a step class every day follwed by around 40 mins on an exercise bike (on a level 5 setting).
I am not losing any weight at all, and have been told I might not be eating enough!
Is this true? I was put on a strict diet by my mum when I was in my teens and anythin over around 1200 cals makes me feel like a pig!
Any advice would be appreciated.


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Also current guide lines say the average adult should consume 2.5 litres of water per day. Well this week it published they found NO benefits for drinking this amount of water.
So with these guide lines changing all the time who know's what is true ?
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Thanks Mr K ! I do have to say I do only drink when I am thirsty and try not to go OTT. I dont have enough hours in the day for all the trips to the loo I need if I drink anymore than I do now anyway!

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Is it true I might not be eating enough?

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