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Do you have a wee drinky whilst you are getting ready

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haysi06 | 20:22 Fri 02nd May 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
to go out? If so what ya having? :


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Always Hays -gets me in the mood -just a cheeeky vino tinto usually lol

What you having and more importantly where are you going and with whom and what are your objectives :)
Not going out tonight but when I do it has to be a couple of glasses of wine while I'm putting my warpaint on, listening to my favourite CD at full volume. Sad for a 42 year old, I know! lol. White Grenache or Zinfandel if you've got it please :o)
yes..having gin now
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Hiya Dris x, I am having a wee sparkling vino collapso and its going down a treat as its been a long and hectic week, am going out with my mad mate 'S' he is an absolute screaming.....erm... well I shouldn't say LOL and our objective is to have a gossip and a dance!

hi Denise_uk, you are not in the least bit sad and you have a great choice of vino ;), whats your fave CD at the mo?
You go girl -look forward to the usual Sat morning update hun -have fun xxx
Hi again! I burn my own disks with whatever I'm into at the time. My choice at the moment is Rihanna, Estelle, Girls Aloud, Will-I-Am...ooooh, I sound even sadder now! lol. My 11 year old can't get over the fact that I like the same music as him!!!
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Dris matey I will prob not remember LOL *blush* x

Denise, you have great taste in music! I have the Killers blasting out just now, love them!

Hi neo. - enjoy your gin, I have taken a wee liking to gin with soda and lemon. (diet juice LOL)
Yes, I usually have quite a few vodka and somethings. But I'm not going out tonight, so wont be drinking.

Have a good night Haysi :o)
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Hi mistys, vodka is my tipple of choice, so love it. Had a wee bit too many the other night in noooooocastle and missed many many trains LOL!

Enjoy your evening too x
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Do you have a wee drinky whilst you are getting ready

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