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Do you deserve a pat on the back ..........

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chappie | 00:58 Wed 07th May 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Do you deserve a pat on the back for something you did today? There was a bee in my kitchen, and no kidding, it was the size of a bat. (Well, perhaps I am slightly exaggerating there). I opened the window and kept wafting the bee with my recipe book, until it found its way out of the window. I was very scared of it, but I was brave and saw it off. Do I deserve a cyber pat on the back?


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No you don't you ruddy big jessie.....a wasp yes, but a bee? Pffft!
Yes actually chappie,

I managed the plow asana in yoga today.


Bb xx
Hope the bee remembers your kindness and leave you honey.
Question Author
Would it make any difference if I told you it was the size of a cricket ball?


Alright then, what if I told you it was armed with an offensive weapon?
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Would you still call me a big jessie BOO?
Yes, yet again whilst down the recycling yard there was an old lady struggling to carry her bags up the steps to tip her sh!t in the containers and everyone else just carried on as usual

Whether she had her old man in the bags is another matter but the least I could do was help her
wot did u do chuck her in too? lol
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Good on you Elvis.

banjo, what is the plow asana?
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Okay BOO, I'm gonna come clean.

It was the size of a football, it had a sawn-off shotgun AS WELL AS a flick-knife, and it was demanding honey with menacies.

But I STILL managed to see it off.

Big jessie? I don't think so.

Now come on, give me that cyber pat. You know you want to.
lmao @ chappie ;-)

OK I give in, you were indeed a very very very brave woman.

pat, pat, pat, pat
Question Author
Thanks BOO, I can now go to bed a happy woman.

(Wonder if that should have some punctuation somewhere, it could be taken the wrong way!)
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if you were to fall asleep in a field full of cows .
then yes you would deserve a pat on the back

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Do you deserve a pat on the back ..........

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