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Should I feel guilty

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Doc_Spock | 10:12 Fri 09th May 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
I was walking home from pub last night down the lane when I became aware of a strange humming sound. I was then encircled in a bright light and felt I couldn't move.
I seemed to be motionless in a floating sort of way and then I found myself in a strange silver coloured room surrounded by smiling faces.

Strange sounds whirled in my head which gradually turned to words I could understand. The voice said that I was in a Martian spaceship which was on a mission to find a perfect source of genetic material to strengthen their failing world.

Apparently I was a perfect specimen after much searching and could I help them. In appearance they were quite like us except the males were puny and the females had 4 sets of mammary glands.

It was not necessary to introduce my genes in the normal way and they would extract the appropriate fluids. An experience I found quite satisfying.

They then thanked me and the next thing I was back on the lane on my way home.

Should I have mentioned I had a vasectomy 30 odd years ago.


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You take what you get - if they are bright enough to get here, they should know that!

I woldn't let it spoil your day Doc.
They were telling me about it.

Apparently you promised to text for another date, but they haven't heard from you.

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Should I feel guilty

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