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just taken more white powder

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bobtheturkey | 21:53 Sun 11th May 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

beechams that is


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Definitely not hayfever then?
Thought you were on the Johnson & Johnsons for a minute there!
Question Author
no without question the worst, longest lasting cold i have ever had in my entire life
Enormously interesting.
Hope it's not bird-flu Bob.
Nasty. Get yourself to bed and stay warm.
poor bob : (

have you thought of trying another cold/flu cure other than beechams?
Question Author
nothing else works im away to find a new nose, throat and immune system
I use Vicks First Defence when I first get a sore throat and it works. For me anyway - haven't had a cold/flu for over a year and I'm prone to them. I use to get 2 or 3 every year.
bob - you have our sympathy! the three of us have had it for a week now and we still feel like crap - sleeping during the day, wobbliness and coughing up chunks. Tis gross, but does get a little better each day. just wish it would hurry up!

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just taken more white powder

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