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need help with email address

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makemesmile | 11:15 Sat 17th May 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I'm trying to work out someone's email address fromt the following clue....

"You can get in touch through bill's English letterbox with my screen name in here"

Can anyone work it out, cause I can't.


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Bill is Bill Gates I guess so I think that'sa clue as to the program used. And it'll be an english website that he has set up.

The screen name is whoever they are. So for example, mine would be ChinaDoll@........

I don't know enough about Windows, Bill Gates and English email sites run by him so you may need technology for that.
Have you tried asking the person who posted the message?

Perhaps they have a hotmail email address and their screen name forms the first part of it. It's just a wild guess but you could try it.
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Yes, it is just a wild guess.

The only way I have of finding out is to email them. Get it?!
You just need to find out the english email website run by Bill Gates. So if it's hotmail, [email protected] would be an example.

If you're that worried, createa random email address and email from that.
There's no need to give a smarmy response to my suggestion! Your question rather vague, to say the least.

If their screen name is John_Doe then try using your head and sending an email to [email protected] (they did say "English letterbox" right?).. Get it?
Sorry ChinaDoll, that post wasn't meant for you. ;)
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It wasn't smarmy. It was sarcastic. Just like this one.
I didn't think it was :c)
Somebody tries to help and you respond with sarcasm?

BTW, when I suggested you could try asking the person, I meant you could post the question on the forum where you saw the message.

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need help with email address

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