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smudge | 10:53 Mon 20th Dec 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
I know the meaning of the word - but wondered where it originates from?


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The American Merriam-Webster dictionary is usually good on derivations.  It says


Main Entry: um�brage
Pronunciation: '&m-brij
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin umbraticum, neuter of umbraticus of shade, from umbratus, past participle of umbrare to shade, from umbra shade, shadow; akin to Lithuanian unksme shadow
2 : shady branches : FOLIAGE
3 a : an indistinct indication : vague suggestion : HINT b : a reason for doubt : SUSPICION
4 : a feeling of pique or resentment at some often fancied slight or insult <took umbrage at the speaker's remarks>
synonym see OFFENSE

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Thank you for your prompt reply Ewood - I knew it meant 'don't take offense' but now I know why.

Happy Crimble.

My pleasure.  Of course it's only "offense" if you're American, since that spelling is an offence to an Englishman!  Do have a jolly good Christmas, what?
Question Author
Merry Christmas to you too.

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