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Did you wear .........?

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chappie | 22:05 Tue 20th May 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
........ a poncho and bell-bottoms with embroidery up the side?


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I think it is fair to say only Clint can make a poncho look cool.
I always wanted a poncho but didnt get one, i still wear my bell bottoms thank u very much lol
no, I think that sounds more like a 70's jib
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I thought I looked super-cool in mine. The embroidery up the side of my bell-bottoms matched my poncho pattern exactly - how cool is that?
OMG Noooooooo..... I hated bell bottoms with a vengeance... and was never into the embroidery brigade lol.... I'm from the flares and long hair decade !
Oooh! I can remember having a croched (sp?) poncho when I was about 4 or 5. I think it was orange and brown...mmm! lol
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Absolutely ! Does anyone remember the white tights with circles cut out of the sides ? Very cool.
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I remember them Jillius. I wore 'em too.
i wore them all the time in mexico , first woman i think !!!
I don't remember those tights, but I do remember wearing hotpants with platform soled boots x

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