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What is your 'local' pub like?

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haysi06 | 20:45 Fri 30th May 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Am heading down to my 'local' aka the stab inn (eek) and it used to be a really great place to go. There used to be a chipshop where you could get a deep fried pizza to soak up the booze LOL

I haven't been in this pub since last September but its the most central point for meeting my mates tonight. I can bet that it will be the same old faces at the bar!


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Never been in a pub with a chippy, or had a deep fried pizza. Yuk!!!!
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Prefer a kebab with chilli sauce and salad - they are the best after a few drinks!

Having said that, only "the best" from one local shop, the others I've tried are pants.
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DOH, our local pub had a chipshop ATTACHED to it! Heaven LOL

Would be better with a kebab shop

Joe-King, your attitude is not befitting of you. LOL
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Rtaxron, I wouldn't touch a deep fried pizza nowadays but it used to be a staple diet of a saturday afternoon after a few woodpecker ciders!
I've rarely got the money to go out to a pub. (I've only been once since Christmas). However, I'm hoping to get to my favourite pub either tonight or tomorrow night.

Loads of real ales (but with a good range of lagers and white beers as well), no piped music, a constant buzz of conversation, good food served throughout all opening hours - my idea of heaven!

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Hi Chris,

We will probably end up in town, our local pubs leave a lot to be desired. Yours looks good.
my last local was heaven for a was an decent pub with nice locals, walk up a flight of stairs and you had an Indian restaurant/take away and in the back bar there was a Chinese takeaway. what more could you want.

Sadly it then became sh1te and I refuse to go in there any more as it started to be frequented by drunken violent idiots that the landlord wouldn't do anything about because they spent too much money getting drunk and violent!
my local is a Toby carvery . not very local :-(
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Well, whatever your local is like, go there and have a wee drinky.

Enjoy your evening, take care

My *local* used to be absolutely brilliant - live bands on most evenings (with jam sessions on instead when no bands were booked); Sunday lunchtime was a bit special too - great beer (real ale from the wood, cheese & onion rolls - err slabs of both - for lunch, with crisp chasers lol) and a fantastic blast of live pub rock that had the place jumping. Mondays and Weds tended to be jam sessions, with a Blues Band on Tuesday and Sunday evenings, Folk on a Wed, Rock on Thursday night and Sunday lunchtime, Heavy Metal (!) on a Friday and who knows what on a Sat night... What a place it was... I have some really fond memories of it. Unfortunately, the Landlady retired and the new owner turned it into a large B&B........... doh !
My local has been turned into a mcdonalds
omg...cazzz.. that is worse than it no longer being a proper pub!

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